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From breakdown to solution: How to be prepared for any bicycle breakdown

Do you know this feeling? You're out on your bike , enjoying the fresh air, and suddenly it happens - a bicycle breakdown! But don't worry, we at SUSHI BIKE will show you how to avoid the most common bicycle breakdowns and what you need if it does happen to get you mobile again quickly.  

1. How can you avoid a bicycle breakdown?

There are many different types of bicycle breakdowns that can quickly turn a trip on an e-bike or bicycle into a frustrating affair. But with a few simple tips and tricks, many breakdowns can be avoided. A flat tire is one of the most common problems, but it can be prevented by checking the tire pressure from time to time and making sure there is sufficient tread depth. Chain problems are also often a challenge. To avoid these, the chain should always be cleaned and oiled. It is also important to check the brakes at regular intervals and adjust them if necessary. This way, dangerous situations can be avoided. With a little prevention and care of the bike, many breakdowns can be avoided and the fun of riding can be maintained. 

2. First aid for a bicycle breakdown: What to do?

If you have a breakdown on your bike tour , you need to act quickly. But don't worry, with a few simple steps you can quickly get the situation under control. First, you should take your e-bike or bike to a safe place, preferably to the side of the road or a sidewalk. Then check the damage: is it a flat tire, a broken chain or maybe something else? Depending on the cause of the breakdown, there are different solutions. If you have a flat tire, you can either patch it or use the spare wheel. For other repairs such as a broken chain, you may need tools and spare parts. It is therefore advisable to always have a small repair kit with you. 

2. Important bicycle tools

When it comes to repairing bicycle punctures on the road, it is essential to have the right tools and spare parts with you. Because nothing is more annoying than breaking down in the middle of a ride and then realizing that you don't have the right tools to hand. The most important items for repairing bicycle punctures include 

  • A multi-tool with different screwdriver and Allen key sizes 
  • A chain tool for removing a broken chain 
  • A tire lever 
  • Repair kit for repairing a flat tire 
  • A replacement hose 
  • An air pump 

With these items you are well equipped and can easily handle any bicycle breakdown. So pack them in your bike bag or saddle bag and enjoy worry-free bike rides! 

Conclusion: With the right tips and tricks, you can easily handle any bicycle breakdown! We at SUSHI BIKE recommend regular maintenance and checking of the tires, brakes and chain. If a breakdown does occur, you should know how to act quickly. 


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