Are you looking for a suitable reward for your employees? An incentive that everyone is happy about and that at the same time promotes sustainable mobility?

Our SUSHI BIKES Corporate offer is made for exactly that.


    Low leasing rates with optional services. Starting from just €45 per month

  • Direct sales

    We offer you attractive conditions for orders of five or more bikes.

  • service

    Better safe than sorry: Regular maintenance from €40 per month.

  • Replacement mobility during a stay in the workshop

    "Perfect addition to our replacement mobility offer while our customers are in the workshop."

  • Cool bike as a benefit

    "The SUSHI BIKES team's service and offerings are extremely individual and flexible. Now our employees can get through the summer in a sporty way."

  • Christmas presents

    "Great contact person, very easy to reach, easy and quick processing."

  • E-bikes for guests

    "Our guests love the new SUSHI BIKES. For those who book directly, they can even be borrowed free of charge as a bonus."

  • It doesn't always have to be the classic gift basket: a SUSHI BIKE brings your employees real added value.

  • Made for commuters: quickly to work and back home, without sweating and without traffic jams.

  • Blatt

    Reduce your company's ecological footprint: Give your employees the chance to leave their cars behind.

  • Promote health: exercise and fresh air keep your employees fit and happy.

  • Practical: With a range of up to 75 km and its light weight, the SUSHI BIKE is exactly what your employees need every day.

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Sustainable mobility

For your company

Whether direct purchase or leasing – with maintenance service or without. We will put together the right package for you and you can offer your employees, customers or guests a sustainable and comfortable mobility solution.

All in one


With SUSHI Leasing you benefit from low leasing rates and can optionally book bike insurance and a maintenance subscription.

  • Term: 36 months
  • Leasing including e-bike insurance from €45 / bike / month
  • Leasing including e-bike insurance and maintenance service from €90 / bike / month



Alina will be happy to advise you on packages and conditions.

Simply email her at and book a consultation appointment.

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