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How do I store my e-bike battery correctly?

Imagine your e-bike battery has a cupboard full of secrets - storage! Find out from us why safe storage of lithium-ion batteries in winter is so important. Let's discover together how you can store your valuable e-bike batteries in optimal temperatures and conditions.  

Why is proper storage of the e-bike battery so important?

The storage of your e-bike battery is crucial for its performance and lifespan. An incorrectly stored battery can lead to a loss of capacity and impair the usability of your e-bike.  

Storing an e-bike battery: Ideal environmental conditions

To store an e-bike battery, there are a few important steps to follow. First, it is advisable to store the battery in a cool and dry place, ideally at a temperature between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. It is important not to store the battery near heat sources or in direct sunlight, as this can shorten the battery's lifespan. Additionally, the battery should be charged to around 50-70 percent of its capacity before storage. It is recommended to briefly recharge the battery every few months to keep the cells active. It is also important to protect the battery from extreme temperatures, as both extreme cold and heat can affect the battery's performance. Additionally, it is advisable to store the battery in a well-ventilated area to avoid overheating.  

Storing an e-bike battery: tips for long-term storage

If you want to store your e-bike battery long-term, you should follow a few important tips. The right conditions are crucial, especially in winter. Store your battery in a cool but not too cold place. Make sure that the temperatures remain constant and avoid large fluctuations. Ideally, you should store the battery in a fireproof container for additional safety. Remove the battery from your e-bike regularly. Removing the battery can extend its lifespan because it is not constantly under power. In addition, removing the battery makes it easier to maintain and clean the e-bike. Also, don't forget to charge the battery to the recommended level before storing it. These simple measures can help ensure that your e-bike battery continues to function optimally even after long periods of storage. Make sure that the batteries are not left unused for too long, as this can affect their lifespan.  

You see, with the correct storage of the e-bike battery, the e-bike and battery are long-lasting friends.

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