Sushi bikes is an official Jobrad partner

  • Registration

    Make sure that you and your employer are registered with JobRad. If your company is not yet a partner, write us an email .

  • Selection

    Choose your SUSHI BIKE with suitable accessories. After review by your employer, we can finalize the order.

  • Invoice

    Your bike will be delivered to your home or to a construction partner - whatever you want! You simply pay via your payroll and can save up to 40% compared to a private purchase.

Calculate leasing amount

JobRad calculator for the self-employed


What are the advantages of leasing through JobRad?

As soon as you lease a SUSHI BIKE through JobRad, you automatically receive JobRad fully comprehensive insurance including the JobRad mobility guarantee. Depending on your employer, additional options such as the JobRad inspection or the JobRad full service may also be included.

For example, if your SUSHI BIKE breaks down, that's no problem. With the JobRad mobility guarantee you automatically receive an emergency number that you can contact 24/7.

How high is my leasing rate?

The monthly installments for your SUSHI BIKE are automatically deducted from your salary. Due to the tax incentive, you save up to 40% compared to a classic purchase. You can use JobRad's free benefit calculator (see above) to calculate your personal benefit.

I have reached the end of my contract, what happens next?

JobRad currently offers every customer the opportunity to buy their leased SUSHI BIKE after the contract period has expired.

Can I also order accessories via JobRad?

Yes, when you conclude an individual leasing contract, you can order leasing accessories directly and benefit from the tax advantages here too. These include locks, lights, mudguards, luggage racks and many other products. It is important that the accessories are listed directly in the offer from the respective specialist retailer. Unfortunately, you can no longer include accessories for your company bike in the leasing contract.

Where can I apply for a SUSHI BIKE leasing via JobRad?

Would you like to apply for your SUSHI BIKE leasing via JobRad? First check whether your employer runs JobRad as a leasing partner. If this is not the case, you can speak to your superiors or contact JobRad for further information.

If your employer supports JobRad, you register on their site and set up an account. You can then immediately select the SUSHI BIKE of your dreams and place your order. Since SUSHI BIKE is a partner of JobRad, you can handle the leasing directly via JobRad.

Can I also use JobRad as a self-employed person?

Yes! JobRad also offers company bike leasing for the self-employed. Simply register on the Jobrad portal for the self-employed and apply for your SUSHI BIKE with us . Please note that the gross purchase price as a self-employed person must be at least €1499 (excluding shipping). You can achieve this by ordering practical accessories for your JobRad.